Askja Mail Migration



  1. Create virtualhost on eve with new name, but correct directory setup (mail2 vs. mail)
  2. Copy exim config
  3. Copy roundcube config
  4. Create and test dovecot config
  5. Setup regular sync of maildirs, use rsync
  6. Setup database connection towards bob
  7. Create Pysieved plugin to implement custom storage based on Exim plugin
  8. Setup proper pysieved auth and userdb using dovecot
  9. Implement trigger mechanism for admin tasks
  10. Implement proper backup/sync of mail data from eve to other host
  11. Setup proper packet filter on eve
  12. Brainstorm over additional items to be done during night work
  13. Setup daily statistics mailing on eve

Night work

  1. Stop Maildir sync from bob (/etc/cron.d/syncit)
  2. Remove from /etc/apache2/httpd.conf on bob
  3. Stop Services on bob
  4. Stop Services on eve
  5. Initiate final maildir sync manually
  6. Remove IP addresses on bob
  7. Add IP addresses on eve
  8. Add routing for IPv6 on alice and bob
  9. Edit exim config on eve (change to values on bob)
  10. Modify /usr/local/bin/exim_createdomfiles on eve to create correct DBs
  11. Create domfiles based on database
  12. Copy SSL cert/keys for exim
  13. Edit dovecot config: listen
  14. Edit /data/system/[ws][ws][wl]/apache*.conf to match IP addresses, host names
  15. Wait for Maildir sync to end
  16. Migrate courier meta data to dovecot format
  17. (re)start services on eve
  18. Edit Exim config on bob
  19. Update packet filter rules on bob
  20. Restart services on bob (with changed config)
  21. Re-enable in Apache

Post-Migration / Clean-up

  1. Remove courier state files from Maildirs on eve
  2. Disable daily statistics mailing on bob
  3. Move roundcube database?
  4. Move to new IPv6 address and update routing
  5. Remove maildirs on bob
  6. Remove Courier stuff on bob
  7. Migrate database and admin interface to eve
  8. Implement database replication
  9. Migrate database to LDAP
  10. Move other backups on alice into the btrfs